Sound HEALINGand Affirmations
This site is in progress.
Meanwhile, if you want to have a conversation about toning, color and sound, or meditative/healing components of sound, please contact me. Below is an incredible compilation of affirmations by Steve Nobel, posted 12/28/20. It's current and comprehensive. Enjoy! (highly recommend speaking this out loud to your self. It may surprise you how much better you feel!).
The power to cleanse and heal is an ability of my core nature, my multidimensional nature. My true home is not of this lower dimensional world. My primary home is of the stars. Because of this all awakened multidimensional beings are not touched by lower dimensional diseases. Dis-ease arises when there is a disconnection to the light within. I am a connected awakened being. No 3D illness has any power to touch me or harm me. All the power of the Universe to cleanse and heal interference from lower energies and intelligences is within me. I exist within a loving Universe therefore I am Cleansed, Healed, Restored and Protected Multidimensionally.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I am conscious, I am becoming immune to all factors causing suffering, illness, disease and ill-health. Every challenging circumstance I chose because at some level it helped me grow stronger, wiser, and more able to shift into higher frequencies that support radiant health. I Now choose radiant health and vibrant energy and dissolve all past choices not so aligned.
I am NOW embracing optimum health. I NOW love and appreciate my body. I love and appreciate every part of my body. From the radiant beauty of my face, down throughout my form to the tips of fingers and toes. Every part is loved.
I NOW choose to be healthy and live a long life. I choose to live a healthy lifestyle. My mind is clear and calm. I am relaxed and at ease with my life. My health improves each and every day. I am full of energy. My immune system is powerful and strong. I feel more vibrant every day.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I am dissolving all agreements or levels of permission that have been accepted consciously or unconsciously that align with any forms of ill-health or dis-ease in this 3D world. Since all illness is at core energetic in nature, I hereby dissolve all agreements aligning me with lower density and vibrational frequencies. I break all agreements and levels of permission that connect me with the 3D mutant matrix, I release all such links and vibrate much higher than the gravitational pull of lower density diseases.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I now declare that all agreements or levels of permission for 3D illnesses in my body and energy fields from this incarnation or any incarnation consciously made or unconsciously accepted are hereby revoked. I include all religious vows or agreements promoting growth through suffering, hardship, struggle or high levels of stress. I include all doctrines that promote the idea that the body corrupts my bright guiding Spirit.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I now declare all agreements or levels of permission for 3D illnesses in my body and energy fields from my bloodlines accepted at any level of my unconscious mind are hereby revoked. I release all messages/stories/belief systems accepted consciously or unconsciously from my blood family about the inevitability of disease or ill-health because of genetic factors or old age.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release and delete through all levels of my being and all time and space, all agreements or levels of permission that allows any being or group to enter or hook into my energy field allowing my energy and vitality to be drained or pulled down vibrationally.
I am invoking the healing power of deep veins of crystals from the earth to vibrate through every layer and level of my being.
I am invoking the healing power of golden light from the Great central Sun to vibrate through every layer and level of my being.
I am invoking the healing universal sound of Om to vibrate through every layer and level of my being.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I am clearing and cleansing my field from all other lifetime agreements or levels of permission that allow any form of illness, ill-health or disease. I neutralise and destroy all agreements multidimensionally through all space and time (including the dreamtime) through all incarnations including the present, also including my bloodlines clearing back to the moment these agreements were made.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release all resistance around incarnating in a physical body. I release all maternal and paternal stress I may have picked up in the womb and at birth. I release any messages or imprints received at my birth from all medical staff. From the environment around me.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release the imprint that being in a physical body automatically disconnects me from Source. I release the imprint that being incarnated is a punishment from Spirit. I release the imprint that I have been abandoned by God/Goddess All That Is. I release the imprint of being thrown out of the Garden of Eden.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release from the energetic template of my body all stress and trauma in this lifetime or any bleed-through energy from any other lifetime contributing to 3D illnesses in my body and energy fields arising from this incarnation or any incarnation. I declare all such stress and trauma be dissolved and released.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release from the energetic template of my body all genetic imprints of stress and trauma from my bloodlines leading to 3D illnesses in my body. I release from the energetic template of my body all genetic imprints of illness, disease and ill-health generated by my ancestors limited experiences in the 3D Matrix.
I invoke the healing power of deep veins of crystals from the earth to vibrate through every layer and level of my being.
I invoke the healing power of golden light from the Great central Sun to vibrate through every layer and level of my being.
I invoke the healing universal sound of Om to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I am NOW embracing optimum health. I NOW love and appreciate my body. I love and appreciate every part of my body. From the radiant beauty of my face, down throughout my form. Every part is loved.
I NOW choose to be healthy and live a long life. I choose to live a healthy lifestyle. My mind is clear and calm. I am relaxed and at ease with my life. My health improves each and every day. I am full of energy. My immune system is powerful and strong. I feel more vibrant every day.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I am releasing all discordant energies connected to the 3D world. I am releasing all messages accepted consciously or unconsciously from any media or any news channel that has instilled in me any belief in disease, illness or ill health. I am releasing all messages accepted consciously or unconsciously from any education, academic, scientific research or social media platform that has instilled in me any belief in disease, illness or ill health. I am releasing all messages accepted consciously or unconsciously from any media, news channel or academic/education or scientific research or social media platform that has instilled in me any belief in the inevitability of old age leading to disease, illness or ill health of any kind. I release all of this and replace this with light and well-being multidimensionally.
I invoke the healing power of deep veins of crystals from the earth to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I invoke the healing power of golden light from the Great central Sun to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I invoke the healing universal sound of Om to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release and transform all toxins. toxic energies, harmful electromagnetic frequencies and all associated low frequency programming picked up in the 3D Mutant Matrix. I transform the toxic effects of pain-killers, depressants, anti-depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens and vaccines in my body multidimensionally. I transform the toxic effects of all heavy metals in my body multidimensionally. I release all toxic waste and replace this with high frequency light and the generalised feeling spread across my entire physical vehicle of optimum well-being.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release all emotional energies that I have picked up from the 3D Mutant Matrix. I release all anger, I release all fear and anxiety, I release all grief, I release all shame, I have picked up that is not mine. I release all unhelpful mental energies that I have picked up from the 3D Mutant Matrix. All limiting thoughts, beliefs, stories, programming. I release all of this and replace this with light and well-being multidimensionally.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I am releasing all negative cords, all karmic cords, emotional or sexual cords, all psychic cords that impact on my health and wellbeing multidimensionally.
I invoke the healing power of deep veins of crystals from the earth to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I invoke the healing power of golden light from the Great central Sun to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I invoke the healing universal sound of Om to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I release all discordant energies from the cells and DNA. I am releasing all discordant energies from the blood. I am releasing all discordant energies from the bones, joints and vertebrae. I am releasing all discordant energies from the organs. I am releasing all discordant energies from the gut and digestive system. I am releasing all discordant energies from the hormonal and nervous systems. I am releasing all discordant energies from the reproductive system. I am releasing all lower manifestations of illness throughout all layers, levels and dimensions of my physical body. I release all of this and replace it with light and well-being.
The power to cleanse and heal is an ability of my core nature, my multidimensional nature. My true home is not of this lower dimensional world. My primary home is of the stars. Because of this all awakened multidimensional beings are no longer touched by lower dimensional diseases. Dis-ease arises when there is a disconnection to the light within. I am a connected awakened being. No 3D illness has any power to touch me or harm me. All the power of the Universe to cleanse and heal all interference from lower energies and intelligences is within me. I exist within a loving Universe therefore I am Cleansed, Healed, Restored and Protected Multidimensionally.
I am invoking the healing power of deep veins of crystals from the earth to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I am invoking the healing power of golden light from the Great central Sun to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Multidimensionally.
I am invoking the healing universal sound of Om to vibrate through every layer and level of my being. Purifying me of all dense energies. Multidimensionally.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I invoke the healing power of Gaia and of cosmic light to cleanse, heal and restore all meridians chakras, layers and levels of my auric field multidimensionally. My cells, and DNA are healed, restored and rebalanced multidimensionally. My blood is healed restored and rebalanced multidimensionally. My bones, joints and vertebrae are healed restored and rebalanced multidimensionally. My organs and all systems in my body are healed restored and rebalanced multidimensionally.
I am NOW embracing optimum health. I NOW love and appreciate my body. I love and appreciate every part of my body. From the radiant beauty of my face, down throughout my form to the tips of fingers and toes. Every part is loved.
I NOW choose to be healthy and live a long life. I choose to live a healthy lifestyle. My mind is clear and calm. I am relaxed and at ease with my life. My health improves each and every day. I am full of energy. My immune system is powerful and strong. I feel more vibrant every day.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I invoke the proper balancing of all essential elements in my physical body, oxygen, hydration, and all nutrients enabling optimum functioning.
I am Now Embracing Optimum Health and Wellbeing Multidimensionally. I invite my future self that is beyond all suffering and struggle in the ascending world to guide me around and beyond all factors that may potentially negatively impact my overall level of consciousness, energy, and wellbeing. I invite my future self to assist me in balancing both sides of my brain, left and right. I invite my future self to assist me in balancing the polarities of masculine and feminine in my being in the correct ratio that is aligned with my soul mission. I invite my future self to assist me in opening all channels of communication with my guides and angels. I invite my future self to assist me by transmitting wisdom, information to assist me in my path of ascension to optimum health, vitality and wellbeing. I invite the energies of Gaia to hold and ground me assisting me with all positive light waves and energies.
With each breath, the power of these affirmations go deep into every layer and level of my unconscious mind sweeping away all false limitations to my being and consciousness, opening the way for radiant health and wellbeing. With each breath, the power of these affirmations go deep into the billions of cells in my body. the power of these affirmations go deep into the skeletal system, all joints and vertebrae. the power of these affirmations go deep into the blood, the lymph, the hormonal system, all glands, the nervous system, the brain, spinal column and all nerves. The power of these affirmations go deep into my reproductive system.
I invoke the power of light, colour, sound and protective crystal energies from Gaia and light from the cosmos to triple seal my energy fields.
And so be it.